🔥 Due to burnout I am currently taking a break, so expect fewer blog posts and less activity on GitHub.

Nico Verbruggen

I am a software developer from Belgium. I build websites and native apps. Building things at DIVE.


I've created a list of all of the notable projects I've worked on during my time at my various employers. Check it out to learn more about what I've worked on!


DIVE bv (2018-present)

At the very start of 2018, the founders of Underlined and YungPanda formed a new company, DIVE. I currently work full-time as a developer on projects for DIVE.

I spend most of my time working with Laravel applications, APIs, and building native apps for iOS and iPadOS in both Swift and Objective-C (sometimes a legacy project requires updates). I’ve been working on a few Catalyst apps as well.

I also help maintain the latest version of Kana Master whenever it needs to be updated.

Underlined (2014-2017)

In 2014, I started working at Underlined. I worked on various projects including Ginto and Kana Master, two apps for iOS. I also worked on a variety of B2B applications and back-end systems, APIs, and more.

Since many of these B2B projects I worked on were proprietary and internal in nature, I cannot openly share details about their specific functionality. I still maintain Kana Master at DIVE.

Open Knowledge Foundation Belgium & iRail (2014)

As an intern for OKFN Belgium, I helped work on the new iRail hypermedia API as well as other tasks like maintaining and developing the #oSoc14 website. The updated version of iRail launched on June 5, 2014, with an overhaul of the front-end and additions to the backend.

This original version of iRail has been iterated and improved upon by other students at subsequent Open Summer of Code editions.

Open Summer of Code (2013)

During the summer of 2013, I was one of the students selected for the 2013 edition of open Summer of Code. This 3-week long programming summer job was a great way for me to get acquainted with the world of open source and open data.

This summer job eventually led me on a path to an internship for the Open Knowledge Foundation here in Belgium. Learn more about my internship above.


Artevelde University College Ghent (2011-2014)

I graduated at Artevelde University College Ghent in 2014 as a Bachelor in the Graphic & Digital Media, proDEV. I learned web development (front-end and back-end) there, along with design fundamentals.

There was a focus on design fundamentals during my first year at the University College. This focus became less important as my chosen specialisation ended up being development-oriented, but delivering aesthetically pleasing results was still key during my time here.

Contact Me


Do you have feedback on the site or a question you’d like answered? Just want to talk about a project or idea? Have a question about anything open source that I did?

You can always contact me via my main contact address. For specific business enquiries related to job opportunities, check below.


If you think you have a great opportunity available for me (relevant to my skill set), don’t hesitate to get in touch via mail or via LinkedIn. I will respond to all inquiries relevant to my skills (native iOS and Mac development and/or PHP development with Laravel).

For more information about my qualifications, I encourage you to check out my employment history, which contains additional information.