🔥 Due to burnout I am currently taking a break, so expect fewer blog posts and less activity on GitHub.

Eurocities Ghent post-event & Wanna Have It

December 01, 2013 1 minute read

🕰 Feeling nostalgic? This is a post from 2013, which means I was still a student during this time. Most of my posts from this timeframe are related to school or the fiction I was writing. These might not mean much to you.

Last week, I had the opportunity to attend the Living Labs workshop by iMinds during the Eurocities Ghent event that took place then. We (that’s the team and me) had the opportunity to present our project (the 9K project) to an international audience.

Us giving our pitch at the Eurocities event, explaining that Ghent is great!
Us giving our pitch at the Eurocities event, explaining that Ghent is great!

It was an interesting experience, and we had lots of great feedback. It was fun to present the application and get some real feedback from the policy makers themselves, as opposed to getting feedback from the citizens during the #oSoc13 event.

In another tidbit of news: I have also been working on my Angular (first experiments!) and so far I’ve produced an interesting app. It’s called ‘Wanna Have It’.

Wanna Have It is an application that allows you to check how long you need to work at your current job in order to be able to buy something. If you enter the amount of money you can spend each month the application will also tell you how long you’ll need to save before you can buy this.

Tagged as: Programming