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You should play: Outer Wilds

May 30, 2021 2 minute read

I just got to one of the endings of Outer Wilds, one of the most special games I’ve ever played. If you even remotely enjoy video games, here’s what you should do: stop reading this article, set aside some time, and play Outer Wilds. (In case you’re on PC, you can grab it here.)

I understand not everyone is willing to go into a game immediately, so for those uncertain or those who have already played the game, here’s the pitch. You’re a space explorer (the newest recruit of Outer Wilds Ventures) and it’s your job to go out and explore the solar system.

You’ll get very familiar with this space shuttle as you explore the stars. Thankfully, the ship also has an autopilot; if that hadn’t existed, I would have had a hard time dealing with the sun’s influence on the other celestial bodies, ha!
You’ll get very familiar with this space shuttle as you explore the stars. Thankfully, the ship also has an autopilot; if that hadn’t existed, I would have had a hard time dealing with the sun’s influence on the other celestial bodies, ha!

Many games try to hold your hand as you try to complete them. Outer Wilds is a totally different type of game, devoid of main quests and map markers. All your experience depends on is your sense of curiosity and wonder, and willingness to explore this solar system.

Oh, and what a mysterious solar system this is! For example, if you’re unsure what to do first, you can try to learn more about the alien race that used to inhabit this solar system! What happened to them is just one of the many mysteries this game offers.

After playing for a bit, you’ll get a better grip of what’s going on in Outer Wilds, and I’m positive it will be a fantastic experience for many folks who are willing to try this one out.

I knew going into the game that for many folks, it is one of their favorite games ever. I can see that now: it’s a very easy recommendation. This game will absolutely end up in my top 3 for this year, and it is quite likely to remain in my head for years to come. (I really should’ve played this one earlier.)

Tagged as: Games