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The post-hackathon coding fever and summer site renovations

March 26, 2013

šŸ•° Feeling nostalgic? This is a post from 2013, which means I was still a student during this time. Most of my posts from this timeframe are related to school or the fiction I was writing. These might not mean much to you.

I am experiencing what must be a post hackathon coding fever. I have been cooking up some cool ideas for future projects, and Iā€™ve also been thinking about 2mobi, an application we will be finishing later this year.

Since the theme was ā€˜habemus dataā€™, we called our group the Dev Popes.
Since the theme was ā€˜habemus dataā€™, we called our group the Dev Popes.

Thatā€™s right, me and a bunch of other fellows participated during this yearā€™s Apps for Ghent, and though we didnā€™t win, we had some interesting plans we will continue working on. We will be working on this project throughout this year. If everything goes well, we might be able fix something up with a few marketeers we encountered at Apps for Ghent.

One other small update: I will start development on the next version of this site, which will be more impressive (it will feature a new theme, for instance) and much more bandwidth-sensitive. More information will follow, but I am busy on other projects, so donā€™t expect this website to appear soon. I am expecting the site to be live before the summer, though.

Tagged as: Programming