🔥 Due to burnout I am currently taking a break, so expect fewer blog posts and less activity on GitHub.

Tweaking the site experience

January 03, 2013 1 minute read

🕰 Feeling nostalgic? This is a post from 2013, which means I was still a student during this time. Most of my posts from this timeframe are related to school or the fiction I was writing. These might not mean much to you.

This site was originally a static bunch of pages until I changed it to dynamically feed you content. What the hell does that mean? It means that I need to put in an effort to make this work, and then I can just focus on writing the articles and adding them to the simple site list. Your browser serves you the articles in a predictable fashion, so that is what happens dynamically. Articles are stored as objects with a title, a date, a short description and the content. In the sidebar you see a bunch of articles. Two of them contain a brief description and the rest are title-only. This all happens without me having to code anything in HTML.

Tagged as: Programming