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What's on my devices

June 19, 2019

Hereā€™s a list of all the software I use on a frequent basis. My colleagues frequently joke that I use too much paid-for software, but I believe that software developers deserve to be paid for their hard work, so I have no issues purchasing good software. I also believe using the right tools for the job is worth a little bit of money.


To manage my personal todos, Iā€™ve bought Things on macOS and iOS. For some of my personal side projects, I use REAPER for editing audio projects. If Iā€™m writing, Iā€™m using Ulysses or Scrivener. (I usually write my blog posts in Ulysses, and my novels in Scrivener.) I listen to music via Spotify. IINA is an excellent alternative to QuickTime Player if you need to play formats that are not natively supported.


I use iTerm as my terminal of choice, running the latest version of bash installed via Homebrew. For my web projects, I use PhpStorm. I do version control on the command line sometimes, but most of my time spent in the GUI is in Sublime Merge (previously Tower, but I donā€™t love their subscription model). If I have to, I will use Xcode for iOS and Mac projects, but I donā€™t love it. For connecting to databases, I use the bleeding edge versions of Sequel Pro.

In case I need to connect to external storage, whether itā€™s an FTP server or a AWS S3 container, I use Transmit. Sometimes I need to test API calls with Paw. For time tracking I use Tyme. For monitoring the active PHP version, I use my own tool, phpmon.

System Utilities

I keep track of my Macā€™s running processes with iStat Menus, and keep an eye out on in- and outgoing connections with Little Snitch, which acts as my flexible firewall. I also use 1Password, which is my favourite password manager. I manage my clipboard with Pastebot. I also use Alfred a lot. (Iā€™m at 28K uses. Alfred keeps track. I have the Power Pack and some of my own workflows.)


I donā€™t use them much, but I did get Affinityā€˜s Designer and Photo apps when they were on sale on the Mac App Store. Iā€™ve also paid for Sketch, which I use more than Affinityā€™s tools (for work).


It doesnā€™t happen often, but if I need to make a screencast, I use Screenflow. Itā€™s also a fairly good linear video editor, so you can use it for that as well. If I want to stream something, Iā€™ll use OBS.

Sometimes I need VMWare Fusion to spin up a virtual machine for testing purposes. Iā€™ve used it more in the past, but since I have a Surface Pro at home I find myself needing this less than before.


I pay for Dropbox to keep my files in the cloud. I also pay for Backblaze for the peace of mind it gives me. (In addition to Time Machine backups, that is.)

On the go

On iOS, I use some of the same apps I use on desktop. For task management, I use Things. For writing on the go, I use apps like Ulysses and Scrivener. I also still use Dropbox and Tweetbot. If Iā€™m listening to music, Iā€™m usually using the Spotify app with all of my music available for offline use.

As for iOS exclusive apps, I use Halide for taking pictures, Overcast for listening to podcasts, Apollo for browsing reddit and nPlayer for playing all kinds of media. (I also recently discovered Outplayer, which is a great free video player based on mpv.) I also really like Doppler as an alternative music app, since I donā€™t really like the default Music app that Apple ships with iOS.

Tagged as: Programming