Writing for Fun

September 07, 2024 1 minute read

I actually enjoy writing. I always have, and writing blog posts on this website is not exception. In fact, besides blogging and writing code, I also maintain a daily journal.

When things are written well, reading is a ton of fun. It is a shame then, that so many folks online are only interested in selling merchandise, shilling sponsors or selling their latest course. I get it, you need to bring in the dough.

But the majority of my blog posts here, I simply write because I enjoy writing and I write them because it’s plain fun. My Linux experiments, my video game retrospective posts every year, my programming posts, all of them are written because they’re fun.

But I do find there’s a distinct lack of good blogs of people just writing about the cool stuff they’re experimenting with. I get it: more than ever people are embracing video content, but I just find that extremely tiresome and expensive to make. I can quickly document or write something – I can’t do the same in video form unless I practice and make videos a lot.

Maybe it’s just me getting older, but I do miss the golden age of blogs. Alas! I will keep writing for fun, though.

Tagged as: Writing