Writing for Fun
A lot of people are writing because they are hustling, and not for fun. I'm not here to judge, but writing for fun can be worth it too.
Good Writing & Baldur's Gate 3
On the importance of good writing in video games.
Revisiting Writing
I'm revisiting some old manuscripts, and I'm having a fun time.
I ramble about the importance of construction, collapse and reconstruction and how deconstruction is relevant everywhere in life.
Venturing through the manuscript
A small update on what's happening with my writing.
A prelude to storytelling
An announcement of a new series of posts that will start appearing on my site about my first manuscript that I'll be editing.
So, what is NaNoWriMo?
A new edition of NaNoWriMo has started, and some people might be wondering what that means. I'll explain.
Animation and looking forward to a story
It's actually possible to add paragraphs to posts on this blog. Also, a little update on the story. Plus, information about the widescreen display option near the navigation.
The planned short story
In February, there's a short story planned for that month. And guess what, it takes place in the Ventures universe.
The NaNoWriMo 2012 aftermath
The Aftermath is an interesting situation. You just finished writing a book, but that simple fact has some interesting ramifications.
Character depth case
Bringing complex and interesting characters to life is difficult, but not impossible. Let me tell you about Daniel Wheldon and how he grew on me as I rewrote the book that featured him.
How I won NaNoWriMo
So I wrote this 50.000 word novel in a single month. I also had a great many things to do that day. So, how did I achieve this difficult feat?